
CCTV Resolution

This term is often used when it comes down to describing the size of the image captured at the camera, transmitted over a wire, displayed on the screen, or recorded on the hard drive.

A common question asked is “What type of camera/ resolution should I buy?”

Depending on the application it is used for, it may require a specific resolution. Weather you want to be able to capture detail such as a license plate number, facial recognition or monetary transaction.

QCIF: 176 x 120 pixels – half the height and width compared with CIF

CIF: 352 x 240 pixels

2CIF: 704 x 240 pixels – twice the width of CIF

4CIF: 704 x 480 – twice the width and height of CIF

D1/WD1/Full D1: 720 x 480

High Definition
720p HD: 1280 x 720 pixels

960p HD: 1280 x 960 (Sony HD Standard)

1.3 MP: 1280 x 1024 – MP (or Megapixel), indicating one million pixels or more

2 MP: 1600 x 1200 – 2 million pixels

1080p HD: 1920 x 1080 – 1080 pixels in High Definition

3 MP: 2048 x 1536 – 3 Megapixel

5 MP: 2592 x 1944 – 5 Megapixel

4K: 3840/4096 x 2160 (4K UHD) – twice the line resolution of 1080p in ultra-high definition


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